Useful Links

আপনার জন্য কিছু প্রয়োজনীয় ওয়েবসাইট লিংক
এই ওয়েবসাইটে প্রয়োজনীয় সফট্ওয়্যার, বই, ক্যাটালগ, ডাটাশিট, টেকনিক্যাল আর্টিক্যাল, সার্কিট ডায়াগ্রাম ও প্রজেক্ট, ভিডিও , প্রয়োজনীয় ওয়েবসাইট লিংক ইত্যাদি দেয়া হয়েছে।
- Build Electronic Circuits – Electronics explained simply.
- All About Circuits – Electrical engineering & electronics community.
- The AI Journal – The AI Journal is an open-source platform that welcomes people from all walks of life to share new ideas, innovations, frameworks for success, and personal commentary surrounding AI and emerging tech.
- Instructables – Instructables is a place that let you explore and share DIY electronic projects.
- EEVblog – Australian electronics design engineer and video blogger.
- Predictable Designs – Helps entrepreneurs, startups, makers, inventors, and small companies develop new electronics products.
- Circuit Cellar — Inspiring the Evolution of Embedded Design
The premier media resource for information on embedded electronics technology. Their weekly newsletter provides the latest information to help you make smart choices with your embedded systems and IoT projects. Dive even deeper with technology reviews, detailed project articles and design guides in Circuit Cellar’s monthly magazine. Don’t miss out! Subscribe today for FREE! - Circuit Basics – A site with great in-depth tutorials for useful DIY Electronics, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino projects.
- Open source electronic projects – Open Electronics is the brainchild of Futura Elettronica. They will support you in designing circuits, making prototypes, to help you project your idea.
- Mechatronics and Measurement Systems – by David G. Alciatore and Michael B. Histand, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Colorado State University.
- LearningaboutElectronics offers many tutorials and reference tools regarding electronics, including circuit schematics, calculators, and general how-to articles.
- Electronics Guru Hands-On Knowledge Website
- Electronic Circuit Diagram – A free collection of electronic circuit’s schematic diagrams and a great reference for electronic circuit projects.
- Electronics-Base – educational site from the field of electronics with tutorials for hardware and firmware development. Also has an interesting Facebook page.
- Robots For Roboticists -What it says on the tin, technical robotics blog for robotic engineers.
- Adrirobot website dedicated to robotics, with many projects based on Arduino boards.
- Microcontroller projects – Embedded projects from around the web.
- ScienceProg – Electronics tutorials, microcontroller projects and technology related content.
- Hacked Gadgets & DIY Tech Blog
- Alan Parekh’s Electronic Projects
- Free Datasheet Search Engine – World biggest on-line datasheets search engine for semiconductors & electronic components.
- Digipart – Digipart search for electronic components price & inventory from world leading distributors.
- Electrical and Electronic Symbols – Electrical & electronic Symbols for consultation, design and interpretation of components, devices and electronic circuits.
- PartsBox: Keeps track of your electronic components.
- Electronic Kit School – Electronic Kit School gives you more information about electronic circuits and simulation design supported with free downloadable software and book references.
- Crowd Supply – They help creators launch with the funding and support they need to deliver thoughtfully crafted products to delighted backers.
- Gadgetronicx – Electronics circuit diagrams and embedded programming.
- Electorials – An Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Micro:bit and electronics project hub for all your electronic needs.
- Elektor – Ever since 1961 Elektor has played a leading role in the world of electronics. Their international network of over 1,000 experts is responsible for high quality daily content delivered in four languages via 15 media channels. Their growing community of over 345,000 active participants from around the world is actively engaged in designing and developing the latest technology and many successful startups had their first introduction to the marketplace via the Elektor Labs.
- , Electronics Design and Modeling with Emphasis on Analog Design
- ELECTRONICS MEDIA: Electronics Media, An electronics and technology news Portal, covers News, Technical Articles, innovation, Design Articles from electronics industry.
- Projects of various electronic devices using microcontrollers. Reviews and own opinion on electronic technics. Descriptions and instructions for solving problems in this area.
- – Website for electronic hobbyists with lots of projects and schematics.
- – Electronic Projects, Embedded News and Online Community
Australian Industry & Defence Network
Engineers Australia
Engineers Australia is the national forum for the engineering professionals.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
SMCBA Australia
Circuit Mount & Circuit Board Association Australia (Melbourne)
Australian Communications & Media Authority
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
American National Standards Institute
Federal Communications Commission (USA)
National Institute of Science & Technology (USA)
IEEE Standards Organisation
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